Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Country Road in September

After working on house and computer stuff since the last post I rewarded myself with a 3-day palette knife workshop with Mike Windberg at the Windberg Art Center in Georgetown, Tx. I felt out of my comfort zone and I had a rough start on the first day. The next day it felt better and I had fun painting. I learned a lot and I'm still digesting all the instructions we got.

Here's the first painting I did in the workshop. I'm pretty happy with it! I like the back lit trees and their glowing leaves.

Country Road in September, Oil on canvas panel, 11 x 14"


Bob Barker said...

Country Road in September is really very nice, Johanne. The golden trees are special and I love your shadows!

BJ said...

Everything about this picture is lovely.

Virginia Floyd said...

Johanne, check out the link I pasted above. There is a "challenge"', a request for submissions for paintings with the theme of September. You should submit this. it's beautiful!