Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunset on the Lake

This seems to be the time of the year where it gets harder to paint/post regularly for me. It happened last year and I tried very hard to avoid it this year...

Among other things, Ken (husband) and I are getting ready to do our 3rd ConcART (a piano recital followed by an art show/sale) and this needs some preparation. Ken does the piano part and my paintings are on display. So one of the things to do for me is to decide if I have enough paintings to show. I need at least 40 paintings and since they are mostly small (under 11 x 14") I could use more. So I have five different "piles": paintings already framed, those to frame, those that could use minor modifications and be saved, and the reject pile. Oh, and the 5th pile is the framed paintings without a title. :) So for the next few weeks I will be busy touching up some paintings, framing, and doing quite a bit of work on the computer to get ready for our ConcART-2010. Maybe I'll post some of the modified paintings if worth it.

Last week I was able to paint this one with the palette knife. I worked on it the first day for 4 hours. I should have stopped after 3 hours: I made bad decisions and got careless in the last hour. So I had to work on it some more the next day to try to save it. But it was not as easy to work with the paint that already started to dry and got sticky... My house critic and I are still not sure where this one should be piled.

"Sunset on the Lake", Oil on canvas panel, 11 x 14" (palette knife)


Bob Barker said...

I like the whole idea!

Virginia Floyd said...

Good luck on your ConcART, Johanne! I know it's a lot of work, but I know you'll enjoy it!

Mitzi Easley said...

Beautiful colors Johanne! Well done!!

Anonymous said...

ha, I will try out my thought, your post get me some good ideas, it's truly amazing, thanks.

- Norman