Thursday, February 9, 2012

New studio

I've been working in my new studio for the last few months. I did some color swatches (again), some reading and experimentation... not much to show you, but let me start with my new studio. I have three "stations": the computer station, which I've tried to keep small. Now if I could spend the time in proportion of its size... The easel station for painting and a sitting station with a drafting table for reading,.. I have a few shelving projects in mind to make the studio more practical, but so far so good...

The computer desk and (one of ) the art and office supplies storage.

The easel station. To its right there is a still life stand  that I use to setup still lifes or a digital picture frame (for reference pictures).  To the left of the easel there is a tool chest for drawings and painting accessories and supplies. 

Sitting station (with a drafting table) for planning, reading, etc... You can see some color swatches and recent paintings hanging on the wall.  


BJ said...

Very nice, Johanne. Everything is so neatly in place. It will be a joy for you to work in the studio now that it is done. Happy painting!

JohanneMorinFineArt said...

Thanks BJ. You know I have a hard working in a messy environment; it distracts me too much :)

Laurel Daniel said...

Hey Johanne! I am so sorry to hear you left Austin and wish you all the best in NY! Looks like you are off to a GREAT start. Congrats on the show and the new (very organized) studio space! We will miss you here. :(

Jo Castillo said...

So happy you are entering shows again. Good job! I like your new studio. It is fun and a challenge to start on a new place. Applause.

JohanneMorinFineArt said...

Hey Laurel, it's nice to hear from you! I took for granted that I had plenty of time in Austin and would paint with you again... :(
The landscape here is gorgeous and it's a new challenge for me but I want to paint in plein air again (when it gets warmer :)
Let me know if you come in the area and bring your plein air gear :).

JohanneMorinFineArt said...

Hey Jo! Thanks & applause to you too. Although the landscape has not changed much for you, you've been through quite a challenge yourself.