Friday, April 18, 2014

"Calm Break", Acrylic, 6 x 8"

I had some trouble working with this paint, but at the end of the day I was very happy with this little painting.

This is my first experience with "Open Acrylics". This is a "new" kind of acrylic that stays wet longer than the traditional acrylic. So it is possible to work wet on wet (similar to oil). The paint dries overnight unless applied thickly. So this would be good for traveling by plane... There is not much body to the paint. So I'll have to try different painting mediums and see if I can get a consistency I like.

"Calm Break", Acrylic, 6 x 8"


Jo Castillo said...

This is very nice. The texture shows well. I haven't learned to like the open acrylics hope you figure it out.

BJ said...

I really like this. It is interesting that here is another medium for you to work with.

JohanneMorinFineArt said...

Thanks Jo. It was open acrylics or water mixable oils... I need to work some more with them to decide to keep them around or not. Have you tried water-mixable oils?

JohanneMorinFineArt said...

BJ, they are so many other mediums that I could work with. I have to restrain myself or I would try them all :-)