Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Columbus replica ship Pinta, oil, 6 x 8"

The Pinta (a replica ship of Columbus' Pinta) was in Newburgh, NY for a few days. So I went with the Lower Hudson Valley Plein Air Painters (LHVPAP) group to paint it. The owner of Bill Joe's Ribworks restaurant was kind enough to let us use his ground to paint. That was the only place we could get an unobstructed view of the boat. We had a nice lunch there before going our separate ways.

I liked the subtle changes of color of the boat, so I sacrificed the top of the mast to include most of the boat (if I paint it again, I'll include the mast). Early on this boat looked green to me but after lunch it was obviously black :-) 

Columbus replica ship Pinta, Oil, 6 x 8"


Virginia Floyd said...

Love this, Johanne. Great atmosphere. And I like the cropped mast.

JohanneMorinFineArt said...

Thanks for the kind words Karen. Please come and visit again.

JohanneMorinFineArt said...

Thanks Viriginia!