Friday, October 11, 2013

Sorry for taking long term leave from my blog...
Let me get back with something that excites me (again) :-).

I finally took out my wood sculpture! Last time I worked on it was in 2007 when we were in TX. Now, in NY and six years later, I see it with a "fresh" eye :-)

The initial idea was to make an abstract and asymmetric torso with a twist and nice curves... I still like the idea, but I needed to remove some bulk and accentuated some curves with the wood grain (or accentuate the wood grain with some more curves :-). From the pictures I can see that I have more work to do...

What will happen with the bottom part? In contrast to the top part, I want some texture there. You can see an attempt on the front view on the right corner. That's the plan... we'll see.

2013 front
2013 back

2013 left 
2013 left
2007 front
2007 back 
2007 left
2007 right


BJ said...

Congratulations again. It is fun reading about your works on the Blog, and was even better seeing them in person while we were visiting this weekend. I look forward to the finished sculpture and hope you enter more pictures in art shows.

JohanneMorinFineArt said...

Thanks BJ. We was a great weekend n your ccompany.