Thursday, February 27, 2014

Les P'tits Amis: Cougar et Petit Phoque

Here are two Beanie Babies that are precious to my husband and me. We have had them since graduate school at University of Ottawa where we met. Initially "Petit phoque" (right) was Ken's and Cougar (left) was mine. Now there are inseparable and they bring us back a lot of great memories. So I decided to surprise my husband for his birthday with a painting of them. He loved it!

Les P'tits Amis, Oil, 6 x 6"


BJ said...

What a perfect gift! Our son is a very lucky man. We have encountered these 2 precious babies both at your place and ours and I can hardly wait to see the painting. Love to all of you.

JohanneMorinFineArt said...

BJ, Ken didn't expect it at all...
I'm the lucky one :-)
Love you too.