Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oil study #107, 106

I did a value study today because I had trouble with my values again in yesterday's painting (below) . I also replaced the pepper with an orange.

Oil study on canvas panel, 6" x 8"

This is yesterday's painting. I thought it was a no show before the end: I wiped out the pepper a few times and got tired.. and careless... A few hours later I regretted not being more careful in finishing it. I had trouble with the values on this one. The bottle in the back is almost black... so either the pepper was too dark or the bottle too light...

Oil study on canvas panel, 6" x 8"

1 comment:

Rae Andrews, Contemporary Texas Artist in all media said...

I actually like your pepper very much. I do love these still lifes Johanne, they are lovely and you are handling oils beautifully.