Thursday, February 26, 2009

value exercises #2

After doing the black and white value scale, I worked on making a color value chart.

The first column should be the black and white value scale. Every other column is a color. Every row should be of the same value. For each paint color you find its value with the black and white scale. Every row above that you mix the color with white to make the value (a tint) and for every value below the color you add black to the color (a shade).

I tried many times to do one column at a time without much success. I had a hard time seeing the difference between color values.

So for my last attempt, I painted each column between two black and white value scales. Then made the chart below.

This chart is far from perfect but after 13 of them I thought I would take a break. Maybe I'll try again to see if I can do better.

1 comment:

Bob Barker said...

What a tremendous amount of work, Johanne. Once again, it is most helpful. Am I correct in assuming that if the columns were extended that at the bottom you would in fact have a black row (as far as the human eye is able to distinguish, at least), and at the extended top, a white one? I understand better now that in each column, each row is a distinct value relative to the rows above and below but are in fact the same colour. In the world of oil painting (I suspect the same might apply in water colours) in which the artist actually creates (controls)the colours, is ascertaining the "value" important for aesthetic reasons? For example, do you try to match the same "value" of yellow to a contiguous green?
In my rather simple brand of photography, I don't really get to choose colours and I don't change them ( I can do so with a photo editor, of course, but that is another matter). It may be that the terms "hues and saturation" (colours and values) are similar? I'll have to continue thinking about this. In any case, I am most appreciative for your posting these exercises. When next we are in Austin, I will certainly be asking for a personal tutorial.